About Me

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Cincinnati, OH, United States
A woodworker whom saws to the plane of a different hammer.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Safety at the Table Saw

Ever catch yourself NOT using safety eye glasses while in the middle of using a power tool? I did - once. Thank God I didn't have a mishap.

Normally I put the safety glasses on when I enter my woodworking workshop and LEAVE THEM ON until I'm finished. However, occasionally I may take the safety eye glasses off to see something a little more clearly, but NEVER while actually doing woodwork such as operating a power tool.

I had removed my safety eye glasses to do just that - to eliminate the glare of the eye glasses and look at something (in between power tool operations) with the naked eye.
However, I forgot to put them back on when I went to the table saw and didn't even realize it until I was half way through a rip cut. I felt naked, exposed to a higher sense of risk.
After that one time occurance, I decided to take measures to help ensure that I will never forget to put those safety eye glasses back on in the event that I took them off for some reason.

Check out this picture on my Dogwood Tales facebook page. If for some reason the link doesn't work, the picture is located in an album called Woodworking Workshop Safety. Also, if you're on Facebook, please consider "like-ing" the Dogwood Tales Facebook page. Thanks


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Getting started

While I'm not new to woodworking I am new to the world of social media - at least to the expanded range I'm getting into with setting up a web site and other things to compliment my woodworking business.
At times it feels like I know what I'm doing and at other times it feels like I'm watching a tsunami rushing towards the beach I'm standing on.

My website, http://www.dogwoodtales.com/, will be up and running soon. It will be a full featured web site to eventually feature woodworking videos for information and entertainment purposes. Information for past, current and potential customers to learn more about me. Many other features are planned for the site as well.

Stay tuned!
