About Me

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Cincinnati, OH, United States
A woodworker whom saws to the plane of a different hammer.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Cleaning Up Shop

Since I had a floor refinishing job get postponed due to the client having unplanned gal bladder surgery, I had made the commitment to use the time this week to get my shop cleaned up and organized. I dropped the kids off at school Monday morning and was pumped and ready to get some cleaning and organizing done in the shop. Something that is desperately needed.
After a quick stop at the store for some essentials I headed home. Then I had to take care of some auto insurance issues and a couple of other financial matters. Then I headed down stairs.

First thing I had to do was finish some work in the basement. I had recently sealed a crack in the basement wall using an ejected epoxy system that works really well. But it left the wall with a big bump over the crack. I had to grind that down flat, so that the wall mounted cabinets could go back up. Okay, got that done and re-installed the cabinets and did some clean up. Okay, now it's time for lunch and I'm hungry. Can't work like that.

Made a sandwich and then cut the dickens out of the edge of my hand with the CutCo kitchen knife while cutting the sandwich in half. Had to take time and patch that up. It may have been deep enough for stitches as I could see some meat, but I could move my hand just fine. But who needs urgent care when there's plenty of duct tape on hand -

"duct tape on hand" - ha ha, get it? Actually I didn't mean the pun, but it is what it is.

While I'm patching up my hand my neighbor calls. Uh oh. I forgot that I committed to helping him with something. So there went the rest of my day. Oh well, there's always tomorrow.

Next day - drop the kids off at school. Run to the bank to deposit a down payment on a cabinetry job I just contracted. It has been months since I first estimated this job (storage shelves for a walk-in wine refrigerator), so I then went to re-visit the location where the cabinetry is going in, so that I can re-confirm the available space. After running a couple more necessary errands I was finally back home.

First thing I had to do was to break down a table in the back of the basement that I didn't get to the day before. While doing that I'm wondering why I smell a strong odor of dryer lint. I find that the flexible dryer vent, which I have been planning on replacing with 30 gauge 4" duct work, had leaks and was no longer usable. So I get out the duct work and get this done. It had to be done now. In a household with children not having an operational washer and dryer is a major inconvenience along with not having an operational shower or toilet.
By the time I finished this, my day was shot, but at least it was proDUCTive - ba da bing.

Okay day three now - dropped off the kids at school, ran a few necessary errands and finished this blog entry that I started early this morning ... oh. I'd better get changed into my work cloths and get my butt down stairs now. Oops.

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